I was reminded again today what an amazing resource the web site Phone Trips is for those interested in either phone phreaking or the history of telephony. It offers a vast collection of telephone recordings from yesteryear that let you experience the sounds of the old telephone network in ways that go beyond what can be conveyed by mere words on a page or screen.
If you're new to this or you haven't heard them before, be sure to listen to Evan Doorbell's series "How Evan Doorbell Became a Phone Phreak." (Scroll down about halfway on the Phone Trips web site to find it.) It's a six-part series that is wonderful and funny and beautifully narrated by Evan himself. If you have a heavy appetite for telephone sounds, you'll want to listen to Evan's more obsessive series "The Sounds of Long Distance", in all its 17-part glory.
(You may want to download the higher quality recordings from the Group Bell download page.)