Courtesy of Sellam Ismail of VintageTech I've just posted six
interesting historical telephony papers on the History of Phone Phreaking web site:
Many thanks to Sellam Ismail for helping make these documents available. For those unfamiliar with his company, VintageTech, they are the sponsors of the Vintage Computer Festival and they kindly provided me with access to some old Bell System monographs. More info on VintageTech can be found at As for Sellam, well, let's just say he's a god among men and makes a killer mojito. :-)
- Dial Switching of Connecticut Toll Calls, AIEE Electrical Engineering, 1936.
- Single Frequency Signaling System for Supervision and Dialing over Long-Distance Telephone Trunks, AIEE Transactions, 1951. (This is similar to a 1954 BSTJ article on the same subject by the same authors, but is three years earlier.)
- Transistor Oscillator for Use in Multifrequency Pulsing Current Supply, Bell System Technical Journal, 1953. (How to build a blue box oscillator, straight from the horse's mouth!)
- Crossbar Tandem As a Long-Distance Switching System, Bell System Technical Journal, 1956.
- Tone Ringing and Pushbutton Calling, Bell System Technical Journal, 1958. Thrill to a new concept: the Touch-Tone phone!
- The New Nationwide Telephone Numbering Plan, AIEE Transactions, 1961. We're running out of area codes! But fear not, this new plan will last us "well into the next century"! :-)
Many thanks to Sellam Ismail for helping make these documents available. For those unfamiliar with his company, VintageTech, they are the sponsors of the Vintage Computer Festival and they kindly provided me with access to some old Bell System monographs. More info on VintageTech can be found at As for Sellam, well, let's just say he's a god among men and makes a killer mojito. :-)
Posted by: Jason Scott | October 22, 2008 at 11:30 PM