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November 13, 2008


Number Six

Id sure like to bump into some of these on ebay! man... in technology terms these are historic relics that should be in a computer science museum! no doubt they got destroyed!

rob getzschman

The FBI has such a stylized flair! Bunch of art-school dropouts.


weird angles on those box shots, they're almost isometric.

jamie dalgetty

there is something so cool about these old school hacking/phreaking devices...


IF these "are" photos, they are a record of somebody's great drawing skills. They can not have been produced from photos, at least not without a great deal of work.

They look like exercises I did in Art School about a million years ago combined with the homework I did for my boyfriend for his drafting class. They are the evidence of a brilliant draughtsman with a paranoid imagination.

I have managed to save an old Bakelite phone for use in my studio. It prevents me from freaking out and punching the numbers the computer caller asks for.

This would be a great exercise in drawing for my new class.



Boo, I think these look like standard photocopies of photographs. I think your drawing experience has tainted your perception! ;-)

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