VintageTech, the great people who put on the Vintage Computer Festival, need your help this weekend. They are moving their collection of historical computer equipment and books from Livermore, CA to Stockton, CA, and need help in Livermore packing and palletizing on Saturday and Sunday. It is a fun opportunity to get up close and personal with a bunch of interesting computers and technology from a bygone era. Plus, Sellam Ismail, the curator, is an amazing and generous guy. I spent a fun (really!) three hours there this morning packing boxes and also snapped photos of some of the wonders to behold (thumbnails below).
So please: if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area and can come to Livermore for a few hours to help this weekend, please email [email protected] to coordinate. They need help Saturday, 6/20; Sunday 6/21; and maybe even Monday 6/22. Even an hour or two would be a big help.
The weblog entry says just this weekend, but today (the 22nd) and tomorrow (the 23rd) they're still moving the thousands of items. Please mail Sellam and please come help.
Posted by: Jason Scott | June 22, 2009 at 11:03 AM