Please excuse the unusual nature of this posting.
Last weekend while at the Maker Faire I received a telephone call from a deep-voiced gentleman named Milo Fonbil. ("Milo Fonbill." "My Low Phone Bill." Get it? Get it? Ahem.)
I was excited to get this phone call because Milo was a famous phone phreak back in the 1970s -- so famous, in fact, that he had his own issue of YIPL/TAP in 1978. But I wasn't quite quick enough to pick up the call before it went to voicemail. And that in turn made me sad because Milo didn't leave a phone number.
So: Milo or anyone knowing his whereabouts, please call home. Er, that is, call me. Or email me. Carrier pigeon. Whatrever. Just get in touch somehow, 'k? I'd love to chat.