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April 04, 2010


Jason Scott

Definitely an excellent start, but I'd wonder what part the Fabulous Freak Brothers played a part in it, or, more accurately, whether they're a reflection of the language of specific entities. or something else. Have you contacted Rosenbaum to see if he has a memory of it?

Phil Lapsley

I have talked to Ron. His response: "I haven't the faintest recollection." :-) (Your comment has inspired me to dig up my collection of Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comix; I will post a blog entry later on Phineas Phreak.)


The phone is actually where the original hackers started. It is amazing to find out about a trivia once in a while. I've always thought that phreak is not a word. Thought it's a slang until now. But shouldn't they had dropped the "phone" from the "phone phreak" since "phreak" appears to me like a combination of phone and phreak?

red bottoms

well this blog is great i love reading your articles.

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