Scanned PDFs of about 800 historical documents related to phone phreaking are now available on the Exploding The Phone web site. While researching the book I amassed an unenviably large collection of papers -- newspaper and magazine articles, memos, FBI files, etc. Most of these are now available on the web site as scanned PDFs. Some examples:
- Flyers for the 1973 phone phreak convention in NYC
- Bell Labs memo discussing the Esquire article
- An FBI file on a 1974 investigation into a mass-produced blue box disguised as a desk calculator
(Thanks to the numerous phone phreaks who donated many of these docs.)
Of course, you can search the database of documents. Some fun example searches:
Finally, I've also posted some "extras" that I just couldn't fit into the book. These range from small essays or stories to interview transcripts to more technical notes on various aspects of the old network.